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3 Top Reasons Why Host Your Server in Am...

3 Top Reasons Why Host Your Server in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

3 Top Reasons Why Host Your Server in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

NetShop ISP

NetShop ISP · Blog Author

Nov 27, 2020 · Cloud & VPS

Finding a reliable and flexible web hosting company is not a simple task as most people would guess. As we speak, there are more than 330,000 web hosting companies worldwide but as the Internet usage increases in our day-to-day activities (work and personal life) users become more demanding in terms of the which (hosting provider) can serve their needs better.

The Netherlands is one of the top Internet-driven countries, with 95% of its population being online. Moreover, the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) is the 2nd largest Exchange Point in the world. An ideal web hosting location is the one that offers political and economical stability, state-of-the-art infrastructure in Data centers, and of course, pricing terms which are favorable for all types and size of businesses.

In this article, we will explain why Amsterdam (Netherlands’ capital city) is such a popular location for all of your web hosting needs.

  1. Anonymity & Data Protection
  2. High speed Connectivity
  3. Cost Effective

1. Anonymity & Data Protection

Nowadays in 2020, almost every country in the world has laws on data privacy. For example, the USA Freedom Act (formerly, USA PATRIOT Act) in the United States gives the authorities the power to seize physical servers if they are found to be violating the law.

Government surveillance is also a “hot” topic in the United Kingdom where the law allows the GCHQ (National Cyber Force Agency) to conduct surveillance that flouts privacy safeguards set out in the European convention on human rights (ECHR).

The Netherlands, on the other hand, has totally different (and more liberal) regulations when it comes to Internet usage and Data privacy. Servers inside the Amsterdam’s Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) are outside the jurisdictions of Authorities like the NSA (National Security Agency) so there is no way for your Websites and Servers being spied or taken down.

2. High Speed Connectivity

Amsterdam’s Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) is sometimes referred as “the center of the Internet”. Thanks to the Dutch regulatory framework, The Netherlands was one of the first countries in Europe that welcomed Telecommunication companies. In fact today, all the top Internet Carriers of the world have at least one Point-of-Presence (PoP) in The Netherlands.

Providers under the AMS-IX zone use 1, 10 and 100Gbit/sec Ethernet connections with 10Gigabit aggregated ports. This network infrastructure topology is sufficient to ensure that your server will enjoy ultra high Internet speed with carrier-neutral connectivity.

3. Cost Effective

Amsterdam in The Netherlands is considered as one of the best value hosting locations in Europe and also worldwide. Does this mean the hosting services offered are of lower quality than other locations? Ofcourse no.
Simply said, the less Data centers and hosting companies have to spend on Power, Cooling and Bandwidth the more affordable the prices are for the end-customers. Thanks to the green technologies and the renewable energy sources that The Netherlands utilize, Amsterdam is known as one of the world’s most affordable and quality-driven hosting locations worldwide.

NetShop ISP’s Data Center in Amsterdam (NSAMS01)

If you are looking to get hosted at a reputable hosting provider, with 24/7 technical support and super competitive prices then NetShop ISP’s wide-range of hosting services in Amsterdam is what you should be looking for.

Check out our Amsterdam Cloud & VPS plans, to Instant provisioned and Custom-built Dedicated Servers in Amsterdam.

For more information, technical advise or any other pre-sales questions please contact our 24/7 Customer Service team.

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