How To Reset Forgotten MySQL 5.7 Root Pass in LinuxIn this article we list all necessary steps for a working solution to reset your MySQL 5.7 root password.
How to Install Docker Compose on Debian 12 Server In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide for installing Docker Compose on your Debian 12 Server.
How to Install NodeJS (any version) on Ubuntu 22.04 ServerIn this article we will show the steps to install any version of NodeJS on Ubuntu 22.04 server via NodeSource repository.
How to Install WordPress with LEMP Stack on Debian 12 ServerIn this article we will provide a step-by-step guide to installing WordPress with LEMP (Nginx, MySQL, PHP) on a Debian 12 server.
How To Install and Configure NFS Server on Debian 12 and Ubuntu 22.04In this article we will show the simple steps of installing and configuring the NFS server on Ubuntu 22.04 and Debian 22.
How to Install cPanel/WHM on AlmaLinux 8 ServerIn this article we will provide a step-by-step guide to installing cPanel and WHM on your AlmaLinux 8 Server.
How to Install .NET Framework 3.5 using Server Manager on Windows Server 2019In this article we will provide a step-by-step guide for successfully installing .NET Framework 3.5 on your Windows Server 2019.
How To Install Docker on AlmaLinux 9 ServerIn this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to installing Docker on your AlmaLinux 9 Server.
How to Install XAMPP on Windows Server 2022In this article we will provide a step-by-step guide to installing XAMPP stack on your Windows Server 2022.
How To Resolve cPanel Error “Cannot create account because it conflicts with an unmanaged MySQL database user”In this article we will demonstrate the steps to fix/resolve the error “cannot create account because it conflicts with an unmanaged MySQL database user” in a cPanel/WHM server.
How To Install MySQL 8.x on Windows Server 2022In this article, we will demonstrate the easiest way to install and configure MySQL 8 on Windows Server 2022.
How To Install NodeJS on cPanel/WHMIn this article we will cover all steps you need to do to install NodeJS on cPanel/WHM server using EasyApache4.